Exhibit of the Arrival of the Counter-Culture

- Starting Friday, July 17 and continuing through November 30, 2015.
- Members Only Preview night will be held Thursday, July 16, 5:00-7:00PM.
- The museum is open Friday through Monday, 11AM-3PM
Mendocino had been energized by the Bill Zacha art revival and formation of the Mendocino Art Center in the late 1950s. But a new change was on its way in the 1960s and seriously happening in the 1970s. A younger generation was escaping to the country from cities all over the nation.
In his Introduction to the book “Life in Northwest Nowhere” by the cartoonist Mervinius, local publisher and historian Bruce Levene writes thoughtfully about this period. “We are talking about the time of a small group of people who gravitated to a far-off place on the Mendocino Coast of California and tried to find new lives for themselves and their children. They came during the late 1960s and early 1970s, escapees from the real or imagined horrors of industrial America, to take part in what has been called an alternate society, counter culture or back-to-the-land movement.”
Through generous donations by many local residents exhibit specialist, Bette Duke, has curated a lavish exhibit to transport you back to a more radical time along the Mendocino coast. Come explore life before Facebook, Ipads and Techno pop was the norm.
For a memoir of those times, see Letting Our Freak Flags Fly.