Monthly Archives: March 2020

Anne Semans, Director

"I moved to the Mendocino Coast along with my two young daughters in 2005. We were introduced to the Kelley House through the Mendocino Grammar School as part of their work teaching kids about California history. All the projects—building Pomo shelters, model dairy farms, water towers—they brought history to life and helped all of us learn to love and respect the land, our history, and diverse [...]

By |2020-03-07T09:41:17-08:00March 7, 2020|

Albion Bridge Completion in 1944

Tom Wodetzki of the Albion Bridge Stewards recently gave the Kelley House Museum an interesting document. Its title is “Final Construction Report for the Construction of a Timber, Steel and Concrete Bridge Across the Albion River,” dated August 29, 1944. The Albion River and Albion River Bridge before the campground was established. View is looking west towards the ocean, c. 1945. Believe me, readers, this is [...]

By |2020-03-05T02:37:00-08:00March 5, 2020|
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