Monthly Archives: July 2021

Mendocino Woodlands

Cabin at Mendocino Woodlands Camp One built by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Camp One is located on the former site of Boyle's logging camp near the mouth of the Northfork. (Kelley House Collection, Kelley House Photographs) July 7, 1945 - The three camps at Mendocino Woodlands were filled to capacity with 375 young people from the Bay Area enjoying outdoor life on Big River to [...]

By |2021-07-07T00:01:00-07:00July 7, 2021|

Orr’s Hot Springs Resort

View of Orr’s Hot Springs on Comptche-Ukiah Road showing the lodge and grounds, c. 1920. (Emery Escola, Emery Escola Collection, Kelley House Photographs) July 6, 1921 - Daisy Kelley MacCallum, along with her brother Otis Kelley and his family, departed by auto for a stay at Orr’s Hot Springs Resort, about 14 miles northwest of Ukiah. The Kelley family had vacationed at the resort since well [...]

By |2021-07-06T00:01:00-07:00July 6, 2021|

Flag Raised for the Fourth – 1979

1979 Flagpole Dedication at Kelley House. Left to Right: Aldine Gorman, Miles Paoli, James O'Donnell, Edna Jackson, Dora Doolittle. (Kelley House Collection, Kelley House Photographs) July 4, 1979 - The Kelley House Museum raised the flag on our flagpole for the first time. Excerpted from Mendocino Historical Review, Number 8, June, 1981. Written by Beth Stebbins. Barbara Carpenter, although quite ill for eight years, had talked [...]

By |2021-07-04T00:01:00-07:00July 4, 2021|

Masonic Lodge Planned

Masonic Hall, Mendocino, California c. 1920. (Emery Escola, Emery Escola Collection, Kelley House Photographs) July 3, 1865 - A group of Masons assembled to formulate plans for organizing a Lodge. They included: Erick Jensen Albertson, Silas B. Coombs, William Booth, Richard G. Coombs, Isaiah Stevens, F. B. Lowell, James Bush Rice, George R. Lowell, Albert T. Rodgers and George Canning Smith. The Mendocino Lodge, No. 179, [...]

By |2021-07-03T00:01:00-07:00July 3, 2021|

Mendocino-Ukiah Mail Delivery

Stagecoach at Comptche. Margaret and Nellie Cameron are sitting behind the teamster. Other people are unidentified in this undated photo. (Steve and Sue Sanor, Gray - Nielson - Sanor Family Collection) July 2, 1906 - Liverymen Boyd & Daniels began fulfilling their contract to carry U. S. mail between Mendocino and Ukiah by horse-drawn stagecoach. The Mendocino-Ukiah Stage Line also carried passengers and ran three times [...]

By |2021-07-02T00:01:00-07:00July 2, 2021|

Then and Now on Howard Street

Two images, taken almost 100 years apart, showing the house located on the southeast corner of Howard and Ukiah Streets in Mendocino.  1928 image from the Kelley House Museum Archives A Category I historical structure, it was designed and built in 1883 by A. F. Carmichael as a residence for restauranteur and hotel owner W. T. Wilson. Starting in 1887, Dr. William McCornack rented the structure [...]

By |2021-07-01T01:39:00-07:00July 1, 2021|
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