Monthly Archives: October 2022

The Schooner Sacramento

October 9, 1883 - The schooner Sacramento went ashore on Ten Mile Beach. She had sailed from San Francisco with a load of lumber, headed for Newport. In early November, the San Francisco Examiner reported that repairs of the Sacramento were complete, and the tug Rescue was on the way to make a second attempt to tow her off the beach. However, the tug “was prevented [...]

By |2022-10-08T13:50:42-07:00October 9, 2022|

Georgene M

October 4, 1953 - The 65-foot fishing trawler “Georgene M” ran ashore on the sandy beach behind the Russell Biaggi ranch home in Manchester. The boat, owned by George Moskovita of Southern California, was on her way from Portland, Oregon, to San Francisco to pick up her crew for albacore fishing off the Farallon Islands. Captain A. V. Nelson, alone on the ship, was working on [...]

By |2022-10-03T15:33:37-07:00October 4, 2022|

Garcia Mill

October 2, 1877 - A destructive fire burned near the Garcia Mill, about six miles from Point Arena. According to “Mills of Mendocino County,” this mill was built in 1869 and "had a double 60-inch circular saw, a 48-inch pony saw, an edger, 2 trimmers, a slab saw, a picket saw, a siding saw, and 3 planers worked by about 150 men. A 6-mile long flume, [...]

By |2022-10-06T13:26:19-07:00October 2, 2022|
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