Monthly Archives: April 2023

The Armadillo in Mrs. Boos’ Garden

Harry Richard Boos, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Boos, sitting in a child's chair holding a toy armadillo, 1923. On the back of the photograph is a reference to the 1914 newspaper article. (Gift of Jacqueline Boos Tucker) April 4, 1914 - An armadillo caused a bit of uproar in town. The Beacon reported that “Mrs. Simon Boos is having a great deal [...]

By |2023-04-02T12:01:10-07:00April 4, 2023|

Evergreen Street Soda Works

April 1, 1911 - The Mendocino Beacon reported that John Bowman and Frank Pacheco had begun manufacturing soda at the recently reopened Mendocino Bottling Works plant on Evergreen Street. This building was located on the now empty lot just south of Cafe Beaujolais. A soda factory had operated intermittently at this location since 1882, and John’s father, George H. Bowman, had managed the Mendocino Bottling Works [...]

By |2023-03-31T13:02:42-07:00April 1, 2023|
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