Lizzie Milliken with her children and grandchildren, 1921-1922. Back row L – R: Beth Milliken Chambers, Sadie Milliken Blosser, Roy Blosser, Alden Rice, Lizzie Milliken, Eva Milliken Rice, Inez Milliken Philbrick. Middle row: Dorothy Blosser, Faith Milliken Henderson, Pat Henderson, Elizabeth Rice. Front row: Iny Philbrick, Margie Philbrick. (Gift of Catherine G. Blosser, Sadie Milliken Blosser Collection, Kelley House Photographs)
June 3, 1922 – Elizabeth Carolyn Rice, only daughter of James Charles and Eva Milliken Rice, died at the home of her parents following a very short illness. Born in Fort Bragg in 1916, she was just 3 months shy of her 6th birthday.
“The deceased passed all of her short life in our midst. Always happy, smiling and friendly, she was beloved by all who knew her and the numerous floral offerings testify to the kind regard in which she was held. Altho not a robust child, she had always enjoyed good health until the week before her passing, she was stricken with intestinal flu, which so completely robbed her of her vitality, that, when pneumonia developed, she had no strength to help her through. Everything in the way of medical skill and good nursing were provided by indulgent parents, and the little one made a hard fight for life but all in vain and she has gone where suffering is unknown. She leaves of immediate relatives her sorrowing parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rice, and three brothers, Alden, Arthur and Elmer.” —Mendocino Beacon, 10 Jun 1922.
Cat Mother: Mendocino Coast Music Exhibit – Join us for live music and a panel discussion on Saturday, June 4, 1pm – 4:30pm. Suggested Donation: $5.