Chatter and Jack Bishoff
Sometimes changes to the Kelley House Museum aren’t visible to the naked eye, but they affect our quality of life immensely. Thanks to a generous grant from the Jack T. and Chatter C. Bishoff Fund, administered by the Community Foundation of Mendocino County, we have made some long overdue improvements to the office and museum, including brand new electrical panels and outlets, a smart thermostat, better phone service, a new sink, and new computers and office chairs.
Chatter moved to Mendocino in 1972 where she met Jack Bishoff; they both became deeply involved in the Kelley House Museum, as well as in many other local organizations. They established a legacy fund with the Community Foundation of Mendocino County to help these organizations. The Bishoff Fund provided much needed operational support during the worst of the COVID years and has allowed us to make critical capital and technical improvements over the years. We are so grateful for this investment in our community!
—Anne Semans, Director, Kelley House Museum
Photo: Chatter and Jack Bishoff.