Joe Nichols’ Poolroom in Skating Rink Hall in Mendocino, c. 1910.
Between 1909 and 1918, Joseph H. Nichols operated a poolroom, concession stand, and moving-picture theatre in the building located on the southwest corner of Ukiah and Lansing Streets. Skating Rink Hall was built by William H. Kelley in 1887 to serve as a dance hall and recreation center. Kelley’s daughter, Daisy MacCallum, remodeled the building in 1950 and renamed it Kellieowen (pronounced kelly-owen) Hall, a combination of Daisy’s own and her mother’s maiden names.
Pictured: 1 – John Chambers, 2 or 3 – Simon Fraser, 4 – Roy Doolittle, 5 – Jimmie Baskerville, 6 – Frank Bailey, 7 – Bill Emerick, 8 – Emil Seman, 9 – Leslie Flood, 10 – unidentified, 11- Vick Boos, 12 – Arthur Daniels, 13 – Joseph Nichols, and 14 – Sam Bever. Emil Seman and John Chambers operated blacksmith and wagon shops in Mendocino.
New! Cemetery Tour – Take a hauntingly beautiful walk through a pioneer cemetery, while your “spirit guide” (a trained Kelley House docent) brings to life some of the colorful residents of this 19th Century logging town with their storytelling. Meet the town’s pre-eminent builder, who also happened to be the undertaker, and puzzle over why he has one of the most inauspicious headstones. Chuckle at the story of Cinderella, who lived near the cemetery and played a very mischievous prank to discourage inebriated men from taking shortcuts through the cemetery. Admire the artistry of the headstones and learn how to translate the symbols depicted on them, find out what illnesses and events took the lives of many, and discover the delightful rock ritual practiced today in the Jewish part of the cemetery.