J. A. Chambers Wagon and Blacksmith Shop on Lansing Street, between Albion and Ukiah Streets, in Mendocino, c. early 1900s. A large horseshoe hangs over the front door. This location became the Mendocino Volunteer Fire House. Standing in front: L – R: Rayford Andrews, John Chambers and Matthew Dunn. The two-story building in the background is the Barry-Wilson-Switzer-Strauss House, moved to this location in 1893. It became the Headlands Inn in 1979. (Kelley House Collection, Kelley House Photographs)
October 27, 1924 – A howling gale from the southeast began blowing about midnight, accompanied by torrents of rain. The storm damage was extensive and hit every part of town. The Beacon listed examples of the destruction:
- blew the garage doors off at Dave Cole’s place
- ripped the tail off Burbeck’s windmill
- tore down Chester Walbridge’s garage and broke down the top of his car
- swept away the rain gauge bottle on top of Dr. Whited’s water tank
- smashed a large light of glass over Granskog’s garage
- tore loose the old wooden horse shoe, which for many years was a sign over Chamber’s blacksmith shop and sent it clattering to the ground
- laid low the 60 foot flagpole at the high school grounds, breaking it into pieces and smashing in a portion of the roof and breaking windows
The Beacon reported, “The storm kicked up a nasty sea in the bay but no damage was done on the water front. It was the worst storm of the season, but blew itself out about 9 a.m.”
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