Kelley House Museum ~ Site Map
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- About: Meet the Kelley Family
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- Don’t Panic * Eat Organic
- Events: Angela Lansbury: Class and Sass on Stage and Screen
- Events: Annual Book Sale
- Events: Beaujolais in My Blood: Author Talk and Signing
- Events: Deadly Lady: Angela Lansbury in Cabot Cove, Mendocino
- Events: Holiday Party for Members and Volunteers
- Events: July 4th Picnic and Parade Viewing
- Events: Murder, She Wrote Festival
- Events: Murder, She Wrote Festival
- Events: Napkin Art Nostalgia
- Events: Paint and Sip with Suzi Long
- Events: Visit Santa in Mendocino
- Events: Whale War Exhibit and Cider Tasting
- Exhibits
- Exhibits: Angela Lansbury Murder She Wrote in Mendocino
- Exhibits: From Stump to Ship
- Exhibits: Mendocino Whale War
- Exhibits: Nathaniel Smith
- Exhibits: Northern Pomo – Mendocino’s First People
- Exhibits: Sleep in a Water Tower
- Exhibits: South of Main
- Exhibits: Test
- Exhibits: The Story of Look Tin Eli
- Exhibits: Water Tower Wonderland
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- Kelley House Museum Building a Home
- Lodging Recommendations for Murder, She Wrote Festival
- Making History Blog
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- Nathaniel Smith
- Northern Pomo: Mendocino’s First People
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- Paint the Town
- Research: Our Research Process
- Research: Themed Collections
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- Visit: Accessibility
- Visit: Events
- Visit: Hours and Location
- Visit: Rent the Kelley House
- Visit: Walking Tours
- Visit: Walking Tours – Test
- Mystery Band
- Comptche Hippie Kid Returns as Anthropologist
- Mendocino Old Timers
- More of Mendocino’s Dark Side
- Ethel Nelson, Pioneering the Profession of Pharmacy for Women
- Tourism 123 Years Ago
- Jean MacCallum: A Maiden Fond of Flowers
- Mapping Mendocino
- Short Story Contest!
- Mendocino Maidens, Mavens and Mavericks
- The Seeds of Temperance
- Hippies Use the Back Door
- Turn On, Tune In, Drop Into Hippies Use the Back Door
- Hippies at Toad Hall
- Coneheads?
- Mystery Group of People
- Hazel Pruett
- Letting Our Freak Flags Fly
- Mendocino Basketball Players
- Val Pawek – One of a Kind
- The Albion Nation
- A Mystery Sverko Photograph
- Prejudice and mistaken identity: A deadly combination
- A Celebration of Women
- A Mendocino Review Repeat by Popular Demand
- Meet the New Curator
- Thomas Petersen, Shipbuilder
- Old Traditions Die Hard
- Manchester School Steps – a History Mystery
- The Great lady of Horticulture: Charlotte Hoak
- Christmas at Sea?
- Rex Smith, Docent, Cab Driver & Historian
- “History Mystery” Solution Leads to Further Questions
- “It is a Dangerous Looking Place: Shipwrecks on the Mendocino Coast”
- Wreck of the Coastal Steamer ‘Samoa’
- Greeting of a Bygone New Year
- Was 1914 an El Nino Winter?
- Big Timber, Big Party, and Too Many Pigeons
- Lao and Me
- The Bossy Groom’s Ring
- Avast, Ye Lovers!
- What’s in a Name – Cuffey’s Cove?
- Wreck of the “Frolic” Subject of Sunday Talk
- The Frolic Shipwreck
- Spring Into History
- Need a Shine?
- “Impact of the Frolic” Film at Kelley House March 20, 2016
- Making of the Film “Impact of the ‘Frolic'”
- Loaded for Bear
- Mendocino’s Brass Band
- Mendocino Grammar School History Mystery
- A Whole Lot of Shaking
- Young Thespians of Point Arena
- Catch Your Reflection
- Mendocino’s Mirror: Reflections on Immigration
- Immigrant Woodsmen Rise Again
- Because of Volunteers
- Hot News From 130 Years Ago
- A Bit of A Switch on a ‘History Mystery’
- Whaling and Portuguese Immigration
- Mendocino’s Home Front
- Lorraine Hee-Chorley to Speak at the Kelley House
- Mendocino’s Chinese Heritage
- Kelley House July 4th Tradition Continues
- Mendocino Music Festival Celebrates 30 Years at the Kelley House
- Celebrate 30 years of the Mendocino Music Festival
- Marcia Lotter to Speak on Music Festival History
- Tales of the Mendocino Music Festival
- When the 1920s Roared in Mendocino
- Levene’s Final 1970s Revue to Show at Kelley House
- Levene’s Final 70s Digital Scrapbook Presentation at Kelley House
- Big River Was Dammed
- Greenwood Creek River Drive
- “When Farm to Table was Everyday” Exhibit Opens
- When Farm to Table was Everyday
- The Appeal of Apples, Part I
- The Appeal of Apples Part II
- Cemetery Tour October 1st
- Who Doesn’t Love a Picnic?
- All Crops Start with Seeds
- Seed Magic: Cherie Christiansen to Speak at the Kelley House
- Dine Out for the Kelley House October 26
- Six Feet Under
- Holiday Open House
- Recipes from the Past
- Is A Ship Safe in Harbor?
- Bodnar and Batist on Eating Local
- Help Wanted
- “Eat Mendocino” To Be topic at Kelley House
- The Perfect Holiday Gift
- Flying Monster in the Sky
- Abalone Love, Part I
- Abalone Love, Part II
- Mystery Launch in Mendo Bay
- Extra Holiday Walking Tours
- Talkin’ Turkey
- Gaining Perspective While Having a Good Time!
- Victorian Holiday Exhibit 12/1-31
- Fun and Games: Mendocino at Play
- Fit to Be Tied
- Power to the People
- Accidents
- Log-istics: Monster Rafts of the Mendocino Coast
- Point Cabrillo Light Station Collection
- Log-istics: Part II
- Fun and Games: Mendocino at Play
- Can-tastic
- Every Picture Tells A Story
- Constant Lover
- Sunday Afternoon With Sandra Kearney
- Pipe Dreams
- Pioneering Images: The Photography of M.M. Hazeltine
- Paradise Lost
- Caspar’s Saloons
- March 12 4pm Sunday Afternoon With Steve Cardullo
- Friends in Life . . . and in the Archives
- Fair-Haired Mystery
- Hard Times
- The Mean Streets of Mendocino
- A Shipping Point Mystery
- Kelley House, and the Coast, Lose Two Champions
- Water Works
- Fast Cars, Loose…Clothing
- Seasons of Volunteering
- Turbans in the Trees
- Fourth of July BBQ and Lawn Party!
- New Exhibit! Framing History: Worth a Thousand Words 5/26-7/31
- Mendocino County and the Great White Plague
- “Framing History: Worth a Thousand Words” Opening May 26
- Help Us Make (Better) History
- London Calling
- Vicki Werkley’s “Taking The Redwoods”
- Never Say “Cheese”
- A Rancher’s Daughter’s Fourth of July
- The Joy of Pickling
- Last Days of Mendocino’s Mill
- 1939 Golden Gate International Expo
- Sunday Afternoon With Coast Photographers July 23, 4PM
- Summer of ’17 Meets “Summer of ’42”
- The Radio Days of Miles Paoli
- Banding Together
- Every Dog Must Have Its Day
- Discovering Family Ties at the Temple
- Outlaw Dentist
- FINAL WEEK! Kin & Kinship: Coming Home to Mendocino
- Mill Inclinations
- The Remembered Earth
- Hard Times Dance Party with the Mighty T-Bones Saturday Oct. 7
- Sunday Afternoon With Your Ancestors, 9/24 4PM
- “Hello, Central?”
- Bear and Stebbins
- Service Day & Martha Wagner Garden Dedication Monday Oct. 9
- Dine-Out at the MacCallum House, Wednesday, Oct. 11
- A Medicine Show Comes to Mendocino
- A Life Cut Short by Tragedy
- Sunday Afternoon With the Maxwell Clan, October 22, 4pm
- Nov. 3 Bars, Bordellos, Mushrooms & Ale
- The Ugly Face of Racism
- An Owner, a Schooner and a Governor
- Special Holiday Walking Tours of Historic Mendocino Dec. 28 & 29
- Boys on the Bridge
- The Pool Room at Kelliowen Hall
- Sharing History and Thanksgiving
- All Headdress and No Ponies
- Sinker Logging
- Sip & Sup Soup House
- The Oppenlanders of Comptchee
- The Tarbells
- Peter Lit – the Caspar Inn
- The Andre Family
- Gene Lewis
- Late Nite Liz
- Mason Family
- The Seagull Restaurant
- Stuart Tregoning
- Nannie Flood Escola
- Thad Van Bueren – Belonging to Places
- Music and Stories
- Volunteer Fire Department
- Holiday Party for Kelley House Members December 8
- Two Sides of the American Coin
- The Brave Women who Delivered the Mail
- ‘Twas the Season for Basketball
- A Peek at the Silent Film Era in Mendocino
- Influenza on the Coast
- NEW EXHIBIT Medicine on the Mendocino Coast: “Say Ah . . .” January 12 – March 12, 2018
- One Character in California’s Saga
- First Do No Harm
- This Will Fix You Right Up
- Medicine on the Mendocino Coast: “Say Ahh…”
- Arithmetic from the Archives
- Business As Usual
- A Memorable Class
- Accidents Will Happen
- LIVES on the LINE, with Morgan Daniel & Tyler Grinberg
- Twice in a BLUE MOON DANCE PARTY March 31 Crown Hall
- Bonds and Bravery
- Photographic Revelations
- 3/11 ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE IN MENDOCINO IN THE 1970s: Sunday Afternoon With Dr. Peter Barg & Frannie Leopold
- A Little History of Little River: Where to Get a Drink
- Dancing ‘Till Dawn
- Fannie Farmer’s Flash Fringe Fantasia, April 13-15
- What’s in an Archive?
- Happy Birthday, Hazel
- Members’ Spring Exhibit PREVIEW PARTY Thursday, May 3, 4:30-6 p.m.
- SPRING EXHIBIT: “Up From Below: Dolls, Pipes and Bottles” May 4 – June 18, 2018
- Rail Lines and Damp April Mornings
- “Bridging the Gap” 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 14
- Lumberjack Lingo
- Alecandocs? Babinyas!
- Who Was Smoking These Pipes?
- Member Meeting: Saturday morning 5/5
- 5/6 Sunday Afternoon With Historic Dolls and Jayne Bush
- “Plan B: Colonizing the Moon” May 6
- “M” is for the Many Kids She Gave Him
- Skeins of History
- June 2 Kevin Milligan Book Signing 3:30pm
- How We Remember
- “Dear Mr. Zacha,”
- Miasa Exchange Students Taiko Drumming, 5/12 3PM
- May 20 Spring Harvest Dinner at St. Anthony’s
- Mendocino: First There Was A Shipwreck…
- 6/10 Sunday Afternoon With Vince Johnson’s Old Bottles
- A Little History of the Little River Improvement Club and Museum
- Three Vanished Landmarks
- Dancing Like it’s the Fourth of July
- Traveling in the Past? See Mr. Sutherland!
- July 14 Second Saturday Reception 5 – 7 p.m.
- Sept. 6 Autumn Exhibit Members’ Preview Party 4:30-6 p.m.
- Oct. 8 Second Annual MARTHA WAGNER SERVICE DAY 9 a.m.
- Oct. 10 Dine Out at the MacCallum House 5 – 9 p.m.
- Tidbits of Local Life
- One Story in a Town of Many
- Some Truly “EPIC” Ephemera
- How Tall to Be “Paul?”
- A Green Thumb and a Red-Hot Trigger Finger
- Smelt’s Up!
- Inheritors of Resource Extraction
- Simple Pleasures
- An American Venus
- Something in the Air
- What’s on Your Shopping List?
- 9/23 Sunday Afternoon With Pioneers of Pot
- Speakeasys and Blind Pigs
- Oct. 21 Sunday Afternoon With the Brewmasters
- “Outlaws of the 20th Century: Rum Runners and Pot Farmers” Autumn Exhibit
- Get You a Copper Kettle
- There and Back Again: The Bell of Westport’s Schoolhouse
- Recycling History Documents
- Second Saturday Holiday Open House & Scotch Tasting 12/8
- MORE NEW PHOTOS Oct. 6 Emporium & Speakeasy Cocktail Party
- Little Schoolhouse in the Big Woods
- Fire and Water
- Missing Streets of Mendocino City
- January 18 – March 18 Form & Function of Fashion: The Way We Wore
- Adventures with Coastal Lumber Schooners
- A Mystery School in Albion
- Kelley House Welcomes New Director
- Vince Johnson’s Gift
- Diary Dilemma
- A “Lasting” Legacy – Shoemakers of Mendocino
- February 10 “Sunday Afternoon With the Cobbler: Old Soles and Happy Feet”
- Love, Not War
- Talking About the Weather
- Fire in Your Backyard
- 3/3 Sunday Afternoon With PAPA: Costume Design by the Decade, 1910-1940
- All the News That’s Printed Fits
- May 16 Annual Member Meeting & Estate Planning presentation
- Ghost Towns of Mendocino County
- May 16 Members’ Spring Exhibit Preview Party 4:30 PM.
- May 17–July 22 Kelley House Museum Spring Exhibit
- Sunday, May 26 Mendocino’s Historic Rose Walk with David Tahja 11 AM
- June 6 Volunteer Appreciation Party 4:30 PM
- Making History
- Protecting the Vault
- Talking with . . . Alvin Mendosa in 2000
- The Wye
- Common Grounds
- The Wye Becomes the Triangle
- Bette Marie Duke
- “Tiny Houses” in the Redwoods a Century Ago
- Sunday Afternoon with… Look Tin Eli
- Kids Nowadays!
- China Towns of California
- Mendocino County’s Japanese Americans
- Talking With . . . Homer & Lillian Drinkwater in 2000
- Discovering a Building’s History
- Dance Hall Days
- If You Remember Woodstock,…
- The Fiery Story of the Schooner J. C. Ford
- Nautical Collection at Kelley House
- A Collector’s Tale
- Schooners, Cargoes and Adventures
- The Voyage of the Sailing Vessel FRI Began with a Dream
- Cemeteries: Headstones convey messages
- Talking With . . . Dave Sverko in 2000
- The View from the Shingle Mill
- Barn-Storming
- Roof Matters
- Introducing Wine Bricks!
- Trick or Treat? Halloween in Mendocino County
- Traveling by Coach
- Talking With . . . Lennard Peterson in 2000
- Exhibit: Historic Dolls & Teddy Bears, Nov 29-Jan 6, 2020
- Painting Mendocino’s Maritime History
- Holiday Events at the Kelley House
- Sunday Afternoon with… Katy Tahja, Dec. 22, 4-5pm
- Candlelit Shopping Tour and Scotch-Tasting Event, Dec. 14th 4-7pm
- Holiday Walking Tours Every Day!
- Christmas Shopping in Decades Past
- Dolls That Tell Our Stories
- Talking With … Emery Escola in 2000
- Nicknames on the Mendocino Coast
- Brick by Brick – Mendocino County Brickyards
- Call for Writers
- South of Main, Discovering the Lost Buildings of the Mendocino Headlands
- Headlands History
- New Exhibit, South of Main, Opens at Kelley House Museum
- Building Mendocino: Tin Roofs
- View From Above
- Meat Markets on the South Side
- Talking With…Eleanor Atwood Smith in 2000
- Albion Bridge Completion in 1944
- Anne Semans, Director
- Karen McGrath, Curator
- Jane Tillis, Board Member
- Megan Coddington Smith, Board Member
- Ian Roth, Treasurer
- Carol Dominy, Vice President
- Sarah Nathe, President
- Lost Homes of the Mendocino Headlands
- Letter from the Director
- Plot to Steal the County Seat
- The Great Flu of 1918 in Mendocino County
- Big River Enumerators
- Main Street Cinderella
- Historic Calla Lilies
- Mendocino’s Tailor William H. White
- Culinary Chaos
- Talking With … Lena Luzzi in 2000
- Kelley House News
- Mendocino City’s Dressmakers and Millineries
- Caspar More Than a Century Ago…
- Visiting Mendocino in the 1880s
- Vintage Love Letter
- Building Really Steep Railroads
- A Banner Day
- Voepel’s and Point Cabrillo
- Cheers for 90 Years
- Courting Coastal Tourists
- Doghole Schooners and Mr. Turner
- Onward the Broom Brigade
- Ukiah’s Senator Sanford and Women’s Suffrage
- Tugboats and Log Rafts
- Why Assemble Logs Into a Raft?
- Log Raft Accidents Happen
- Flaming Log Rafts!
- Defensible Space in a 1931 Wildfire
- Grindle’s Neighborhood
- Coastal Place Names Part 1
- Coastal Place Names Part 2
- Coastal Libraries, Part One
- Coastal Libraries, Part Two
- Coastal Libraries, Part Three
- Mendocino’s Temperance Libraries
- The Library at Skating Rink Hall
- The Girl Scout Library
- The Study Club Library
- Mendocino’s Community Library
- South Coast Libraries
- A Christmas of Longing
- Finding Heeser’s Math Book
- Talking With … Richie Silvera in 2000
- An Ocean View House
- Railroads and Timberlands
- Schools with an Ocean View
- The Bad Oysters Incident
- Paving Our Ways
- Mendocino Medicine and Gazetteer
- Playing Cards at Little River
- New Director at Kelley House Museum
- Schools Contribute Historic Trivia
- Become a Kelley House Museum Docent
- Talking with Dolly Efishoff in 2001
- Discovering Albion’s Seashells
- Little Free Libraries
- Floral Tributes and Funeral Cards
- Prehistory at Albion Head
- Two History Mysteries
- Mendocino Rockhounds
- The Jasperson House
- History & More Book Sale
- Flong but not Forgotten
- Mendo High School Yearbooks Need New Homes
- Camp Fire Girls Return From Camping Trip
- Norwegian Steamer Marie Bakke Enters Mendocino Bay
- Highlight Gallery at Odd Fellows
- Quilted Iconic Buildings of Mendocino
- Meet the Ocean Wave Quilters
- Guy Chaffee Earl, Son-in-Law of J. B. Ford
- School Board Acquired Church Building
- Two Small Fires Extinguished
- Mendocino Race Track
- Mendocino Man Weds Former Miss America
- Then and Now on Howard Street
- Mendocino-Ukiah Mail Delivery
- Masonic Lodge Planned
- Flag Raised for the Fourth – 1979
- Orr’s Hot Springs Resort
- Mendocino Woodlands
- Quilted Iconic Buildings of Mendocino
- Lumber Company Barn Burns Down
- Liberty Theatre Sold
- Construction of Apple Hall
- Mule Team and Wagon
- Tenez for Mendocino
- St. Vincent’s Catholic Church Demolished
- Airplane Arrives From Ukiah
- Hellsgate Dam
- Mendocino’s First Selfie?
- Silent Movie, “The Promise”
- The Great Lady of Horticulture
- Percy Colby Almost Drowned
- Carlson’s City Hotel
- The Wreck of the Frolic
- Bowman & Tyrrell Garage
- Liquor Sales Banned
- The Barry Building
- Biggest on Earth History Mystery
- Freundt House
- The Lisbon House
- Alhambra Hotel
- Thomas Dollard
- The Packard Homestead
- Sankey Gallery
- Kelley Warehouse
- New Smoke Stacks for the Mill
- Mansion House Hotel
- Centennial Celebration
- Big News at Big River
- Death Claims Daisy MacCallum
- Ship Passengers Boarding Barge
- The Phoenix Boiler Explosion
- Johnson Rental Cottages
- Mendocino Survey Map, 1868
- Pioneering the Profession of Pharmacy for Women
- Erick Jensen Albertson
- Jacob Stauer’s Blacksmith Shop
- Bank of Commerce
- Pete Piccolotti
- Frank Mendosa Family – World War I
- Kellieowen Hall – THEN and NOW
- Apple Walk
- Telephone Operator Receives Electrical Shock
- National Bow Tie Day
- William and Laura Heeser House
- The Brien House
- Allie Grindle
- The Occidental Hotel Fire
- Jewelry for Doors
- Calling for a Stamp Collector
- The Byrnes House
- The British Tramp Steamer, Oswestry
- The Remedy Store
- Labor Day, 1943
- Exhibit on Native Americans
- Then and Now Photo Exhibit
- The Frolic Shipwreck
- The Steamer Fort Bragg
- Truck Packed Out of Woods on Mules
- The Saloon in the Garden
- Brown & Gray
- Albert Brown
- The Ford House, THEN and NOW
- J. D. Johnson Water Tower
- Schooner Phil Sheridan
- Joseph Borgna Arrested For Selling Liquor in “Dry” Mendocino
- Historical Geography of Mendocino County
- Long Distance Telephone Service Arrives in Mendocino
- World War I Draft Begins
- The Steamer Sequoia
- Mendocino, looking north across Big River Beach
- Mendocino Post Office
- The Bank House
- History Mystery
- Modern Philanthropy
- Partners Gallery at the Beacon Building
- Preserve Your Historic Garment
- Kelley House Celebrates 160 Years
- First Plane Lands in Mendocino
- Jerome B. Ford
- Mendocino High School
- Storm Damage, 1924
- A Real Fixer-Upper
- Tank Alley
- Lauriston Avery Morgan
- Ford House Water Tower
- Mendocino-Fort Bragg Football Game of 1930
- Lansing Street Between Albion and Ukiah Streets
- Mendocino Lumber Company Clock
- William Kelley Turns 200 Years Old
- Nannie Flood Votes for President
- H. B Seavey Dies
- Gus Johnson Installs Concrete Sidewalks
- Steam Schooner Brooklyn Sinks
- The MacCallum House, Mendocino, c. 1920.
- Remembering Eliza Kelley’s Legacy
- Jennie’s Court Dress
- David Lansing
- J. S. Cabot
- Barry Building – THEN and NOW
- A Kelley House Holiday Celebration
- Daisy MacCallum, A Mendocino Matriarch
- Mendosa Water Tower on Main Street
- Fire Chief Foggy Gomes
- Mitch Ortiz’s Customers
- Antone Carvalho and Maria Pacheco
- Dr. Preston’s Office Burglarized
- Mrs. Swanson and Two Water Towers, 1948
- A Contest of Wills
- Valentine-Mason House – THEN and NOW
- West Main Street, Mendocino, 1874-1878
- Mrs. Elizabeth Carlson
- Norton House Hotel Burns Down
- Mendocino Mill Closes
- Mendocino Post Office Established
- Rediscovering the Kelleys
- Mendocino High School Science Club
- Lee Dodge Leaves Mendocino
- The Sotoyome
- Aircraft Warning Station
- Main Street, Mendocino, 1975
- The Short Life and Sad Death of Russell B. Kelley
- Antone Jerome Dead at 74
- Carl Higgins Dies in Car Accident
- High School Closes Due to Sickness and Weather
- Antone F. Luiz Dies
- The Stagecoach
- Elise Kelley Drexler
- Fishing Party Posing with Catch, c.1950
- Rediscovering the Kelleys – A New Exhibit About an Old Family
- The Kelley Family
- Lansing Street, c. 1930
- High School Christmas Festivities, 1919
- The Artist Captain
- Allie Brown
- Christmas Celebration, 1983
- Otis and Annie
- Gus Semmler’s Tin Horns
- Christmas Party, 1906
- Herman Fayal and Amelia Costa Wed
- Charles Nystrom
- The Gas Steamer, Stockton City
- Mendocino Shipping Point and Blowhole
- History Tidbits of Orr Hot Springs
- The Robert Law Family
- Happy New Year!
- Malcolm Luiz Nearly Drowns
- Lansing House – THEN and NOW
- Napoleon Bonaparte Bever Passed Away
- Fire at Fred Riley’s Saloon
- A Short History of the Redwood Center Building
- Elevated View, Ukiah Street
- Mary Nichols Passes Away
- Apple Shed, Albion Street – THEN and NOW
- Miles Paoli and Friend
- Lindberg House, 1930
- Charles Denslow Ford
- Lost in the Mendocino Blow Hole
- Stella West and the Mendocino Study Club
- John Barry
- Frederick-Perry Wedding
- First Literary and Musical Program
- Jennie Blair and Daisy MacCallum, 1940
- Kelley House Announces New Look Tin Eli Book
- Mendocino Presbyterian Manse
- Kelley House – THEN and NOW
- John Clark and Elizabeth Johnson Wed
- Bever House
- Death of Henry H. Jarvis
- Mendocino High School Band
- Incendiary Balloons in the Northwest
- Mamie Nichols’ Surprise Birthday Party
- Eugene Brown Arrives in Mendocino
- Death of Alice Hills Grindle
- Helen Thomsen
- Isabelle Lyons
- Justin Packard House – THEN and NOW
- Historic Postcards Find a New Home
- East Mendocino Schoolhouse
- Kelley Baptist Church, Ukiah Street, Mendocino – THEN and NOW
- Lanston Monotype Casting and Composing Machine
- Edward G. Brown
- Herman Figaro
- Dr. William A. McCornack
- Albion Estuary Ecology from 1949
- Percy Daniels
- Mendocino’s Main Street, c. 1920
- South Main Meat Market
- Love, Not War by Sarah Nathe
- Kelley Baptist Church Bell
- Neighbors Across the Pond
- Martin M. Hazeltine
- Wreck of the Coastal Steamer
- Aerial View of West Main Street, 1900
- Daisy Henderson
- Main Street, Mendocino, 1883
- Stone Jewelry Store, Main Street, 1924
- Albion’s Lost Railroad
- Sarah Prentiss
- Joel Fisher Hills
- North Side of Main Street, c. 1883
- Ocean Cave, 1898
- Elevated View of Central Mendocino, 1909-1912
- Early Chinese in Fort Bragg
- Fernando Fraga
- Wagon at the Occidental Hotel, 1887 – 1899
- Charles Boyle
- Big River Justice Court
- Jarvis & Nichols, 1907
- Fast Cars, Loose Clothing
- Mendocino Presbyterian Church – THEN and NOW
- Main Street Courtyard, Mendocino – THEN and NOW
- Antone Valadao
- Cat Mother and the All-Night Newsboys
- MacCallum House – THEN and NOW
- POW Camps and Enemy Aliens
- Chester Barry
- Ruel Armas
- Steam Schooner Albion
- Jackson Vulcanizing Company
- The Potato Club
- A Vanished Landmark at Little River
- Tennis Tournament, 1896
- John Q. Brown
- Wire Chute at the Shipping Point
- Caspar Lumber Company Store Fire
- Locomotive Falls Into Big River
- John Chalfant
- Thomas Rowe
- Women’s Suffrage Debate
- Hazel Packard Dennison
- West Main Street, 1975
- The Fate of Kibesillah
- Gleneice Silvia
- Alphonso Riede
- Run-Away Lumber Cars
- Cathrin Denslow Morgan
- Melody’s Cookies
- Track Record
- John Edward Carlson
- Easter Sunrise Service
- Wreck of the Smilax
- Elevated View of Mendocino, c. 1909
- Main Street Mendocino, 1966 AND 2022
- Pipes and Bottles at Kelley House Exhibit
- Occidental Hotel Livery Stable
- The Unknown Sailor
- Cultivated Land South of Big River, c. 1900
- Duncan Walker
- July 4th Picnic & Lawn Party with the BEST Parade Viewing!
- Main and Lansing Intersection
- Bridges
- Jughandle Creek Trestle
- Shipping Hazard in Mendocino Harbor
- Charles Knight
- The Languages Sleeping on the Hill
- Cat Mother: Mendocino Coast Music
- Kelley Baptist Church, Mendocino – THEN and NOW
- Four Generations of the Flood Family
- John H. Ferrill
- Mendocino Hospital & Drug Company
- Annie L. Stone
- Help Wanted. No Museum Experience Necessary!
- Florence King
- Big River Maru
- Eugene Brown Store/Barn
- Riccardo “Dick” Cecchi
- New Self-Guided Walking Tours for Your Phone!
- The British Tramp Steamer, Anerley
- Henry Swanson
- The Russians Are Coming!
- Historic Finds at the Kelley House Book Sale
- Dr. James Milliken
- Emil Seman
- Memorial Day at Kelley House, 1975
- Main Street Businesses, c. 1877
- Boogie Fever
- Elizabeth Rice
- Charles Bever
- Charles Oscar Packard
- Readin’ Writin’ and Local History
- Work That Has No End
- Sheriff Raids Illicit Liquor Sellers
- Main Street, c. 1934
- Loggers’ Lingo in the Redwoods
- Piccolotti Children Fishing at Boyle’s Camp, c. 1928
- Silver Workman’s Key-wind Pocket Watch
- Tom Doyle Lands Big Fish
- Joe Nichols’ Poolroom
- Little House Near the Big Woods
- The Eugene Brown House
- Mendocino Peace Fair
- Full House Near the Big Woods
- July 4, 1908
- New Tours for Every Body
- Fred Halling
- Truck Cuts Through Floor Of Big River Bridge
- Stauer Grocery Store
- Ford House – THEN and NOW
- History Comes Alive in the Cemetery
- Richard Coombs
- Ice Cream Soda Fountain
- Nancy Rowe
- The Last Load
- Mae Bishop
- New Museum Curator
- Firemen’s Ball
- Beth Milliken Chambers
- Sunday Afternoon with Illustrators
- Phil Gorman
- Louie Larsen
- A Heap o’livin’ Makes a House a Home
- 36th Annual Arts & Crafts Fair
- First Tractor in the Big River Woods
- Kelley House Pond – THEN and NOW
- Emil Piccolotti
- The Hippy Aesthetic
- Thompson School
- Tiny Towel Tax
- Ships in Albion Harbor
- Herman Fayal and the Ford Roadster
- The Street Where You Live
- The Gantry Crane
- Padden Saloon
- Kelley the Cat
- Huckleberries
- The Denslow-Maxwell House
- First Mendocino High School Gym
- First Weather Station
- Heeser House and Odd Fellows Hall, 1898 – 1906
- Getting Acquainted with the Kelley Family
- Monastery at St. Anthony’s
- Skating Rink Hall
- Albert Brown Promotes Apple Fair
- Shipwreck of the Pacific Enterprise
- Oxen Team at the Shipping Point
- Good Mourning Mendocino: Funeral Rites and Customs
- The Eagle Saloon
- Henry Nystrom
- Barkentine J. M. Griffith
- Ardell Nichols Injured in Auto Collision
- Log Raft, 1938
- Caspar Hotel
- Pearl Grant
- Loading Under the Wire at Caspar, 1904
- Garcia Mill
- Georgene M
- The Schooner Sacramento
- Stagecoach Robbery, 1884
- The Noblest Profession
- The Piers
- Schooners in Big River Harbor, 1882 – 1902
- Wagon Team at Mendocino Shipping Point, c. 1909
- Fire at the Kelley House, 1971
- Apple Show Parade, 1916
- The Significance of Funeral Flowers
- Death of Janet Nystrom
- Three Ships at the Shipping Point, 1913
- Crosswalk on Main Street, Mendocino, 1907
- How Big Was It?
- Parcel Post Sale, 1927
- Dougherty-Millard Wedding
- First Mendocino Boy Scout Troop
- Armistice Day
- Kate Gorman
- Back When Peas Had a Chance
- Death of Postmaster Mullen
- Joe Silvia’s Accident at the Shipping Point
- C. O. Packard Arrested
- Jennie Mantyla
- The Old Incline and County Road South of Mendocino
- Sutherland’s Garage
- Captain Henry Nelson
- Charles Luiz
- Spotlight on Angela Lansbury: Muse of Cabot Cove
- Fire at the Mendocino Presbyterian Church Manse
- Fire Claims Remains of Mendocino Mill
- The Music Box
- Whoopie Ti Yi Yo! by Dave Sverko
- May Young Sherwood
- Time for Toys and Time for Crab
- Christmas Trees, 1903
- Mabel Thompson Crawford
- In Memoriam: Megan Coddington Smith
- The Steamer Protection
- Abram Benjamin Snider, Westport Pioneer
- Bad Nights for the Steamer Crescent City by Louis Hough
- Coffee-Bean Guessing Contest, 1973
- Joe Lenhares and Mamie Jerome Wed
- Wasn’t That a Mighty Storm by Louis Hough
- Steamer Sequoia Wrecked
- The Tuesday Evening Bridge Club
- And Then Their Luck Ran Out by Louis Hough
- Gladys Chambers Bishop
- Mendocino Mill Sawdust Burner
- Déjà Vu All Over Again
- Maxell-Jarvis House Fire, 1966
- Robert Sutherland
- Riding Shotgun into Mendocino by Wilma Tucker
- Amati’s Shoe Boutique
- Ethel Nelson
- Happy Valentine’s Day!
- Deadly Lady: Angela Lansbury in Cabot Cove, Mendocino
- Gallery Fair
- Helen Lemos Struck by Baseball
- THEN and NOW Photos: Albert Brown House
- James Hurley Admitted to Bar
- Wreck of the Sea Foam
- Doin’ a Little Doodlin’: Napkin Art from the Sea Gull Cellar Bar
- William Zerbone and the Mendosa Store Building
- The Tragic Death of Rudy Hanson
- The Call of the Sea by Connie M. Korbel
- The Chocolate Moosse and Blue Heron Inn
- Byron Clark
- Les Dames de La Nuit by Molly Dwyer
- Freundt House Burned
- Mabel Rainey Tomlinson
- Exploring Nannie’s Beacon Index
- Charlie Norton
- Robert Permenter
- THEN and NOW Photos: Jarvis & Nichols Building
- Evergreen Street Soda Works
- The Armadillo in Mrs. Boos’ Garden
- Stanzas from the Kelley House Archives
- Leonard Barnard
- The Buzz-Wagon Craze
- Beaujolais in My Blood by Eric Neil Pitsenbarger
- Albert Maxwell
- Occidental Hotel – 1906 Earthquake Damage
- Horticulturist of the Year by Molly Dwyer
- Harmon Denslow
- Esther Nichols
- The Big River House Hotel
- May Day Celebration, 1868
- Deadly Lady: Angela Lansbury in Cabot Cove, Mendocino
- Century-Old Murder at Murder Ridge Winery
- THEN and NOW Photos: Lansing House Water Tower
- James Baskerville
- M is for the Many Things She Gave Me
- New Digital Exhibit! Angela Lansbury: Muse of Cabot Cove
- Peddler’s Wagon Burglarized
- Annual Book Sale at the Kelley House
- Fred Kunkel’s Brick Yard
- Three Minutes of Old Celluloid: Priceless
- Napoleon Bonaparte Bever & Horse Team
- A Water Tower Town
- Roland Smith
- City Hotel Water Tower
- No Gold in These Here Hills
- Exhibit Opening: Water Tower Wonderland
- Grace Fisher
- Oh My Papa!
- Morgan-Mullen Tower
- Laura Lammers
- Windmill
- Mendocino Water Towers Tote Bag
- Barry Building Relocated
- Watercolor Water Towers By Suzi Long
- Sky-High on the Fourth of July
- Flagpole Dedication, 1979
- Chester Ford
- Mendocino Fourth of July Parade, 1883
- Doing the Lord’s Work for over 155 Years by Katharine Nelson
- Mendocino Water Towers 1880 – 2023
- J. S. Ross Automobile Trip to Ukiah, 1909
- A Mendocino Remembrance, circa 1942 by John Preston Fraser
- Water Tower Sip and Paint with Suzi Long
- Silver Walker Jewelry Shop Fire, 1972
- Francis and Nettie Allen
- A Mendocino Remembrance circa 1942
- Buchanan-Ferrill Marriage
- THEN and NOW Photos: Ukiah Street, Looking East
- The World Smelled of Roses
- An Afternoon with Barry Cusick & Mendocino Water Towers
- The Windmill at Heeser’s Sawmill by Wally Smith
- John Deromeri Run Over By Auto
- Columbia Park Boys Club
- A New Donation: The Wedding Dress of Carrie Costa-Fayal
- Mary Brien Boyle Kenny
- Water: Our Future and Our Past by Katharine Nelson
- Mendocino Old Timers, 1973
- The Radio Days of Miles Paoli by Anne Cooper
- THEN and NOW Photos: Justin Packard House
- Ukiah Street looking Southeastward, 1912 – 1922
- Here’s to Nana and Big Dad!
- Mendocino Hospital Company
- Apron Chute at Mendocino Shipping Point, 1896
- Kelley House to Celebrate Its 50th Anniversary!
- Isaiah Betz
- How “Dry” I Am!
- “Higher” Education in Mendocino
- There’s More to Wallpaper Than Meets the Eye by Karen McGrath
- Death of Eugene Brown
- Aunt Daisy’s Cake
- The Ghost in the Stairwell and Other Tales by Rob Hawthorn
- Daisy’s Tree
- Cammie King Conlon: Early Days of the Kelley House Museum
- From the Ground Up
- Raymond Nicholson Joins the Navy
- THEN and NOW Photos: South Side of the Kelley House
- Hazel Nimela
- The Journey Back 170 Years Begins with a Few Steps
- Big River Bridge Dedication, 1961
- Jim O’Donnell and the Con Men
- The First of Many Good Times Was Had by All
- Recruits Return to the Coast
- Rose Valador Mussio
- Gobble Gobble Gobble
- Cattle Drive Through Caspar, c. 1916
- Mendocino Night School
- Golden Days in Comptche
- Frank J. Mendosa
- Seman Blacksmith Shop
- THEN and NOW Photos: Bever House
- Water Towers of Mendocino – Limited Edition Print
- Fay Lanphier Visits
- Ten Books in a Tote Bag
- The Sequoia Band
- Kelley House Water Tower Notecards
- Me Want Cookie!
- Grand Opening of the Mansion House Hotel
- Present at the Creation
- Fire at Dr. Whited’s Dental Office
- The First Kelley House Critters
- THEN and NOW: Albion Street
- Christina Perry
- Maxwell-Haglund Wedding
- National Trivia Day by Karen McGrath and Carol Dominy
- Elevated View of Lansing and Albion Street Intersection, 1912-1922
- Gifts and Gardens of the Kelley House
- Ralph Kent Electrocuted
- Oscar M. Stone
- Memories of the Mill
- Art Students Visit
- THEN and NOW Photos: Vieira House
- Sam Ware
- The First Acquisition
- Jack T. and Chatter C. Bishoff Fund
- Return to the Source
- James A. Severance
- J. Albert Henderson
- Will You Be Our Valentine?
- Joe Recardo
- Joe Lawrence
- Stranger in a Strange Land: Nathaniel Smith, the First Black Resident of Mendocino by Alexander Wood
- Henry K. Gordon
- Even More from Nannie’s Binders
- Grammar School Bond
- Dial Telephone Service
- William McLean
- Foresters Lodge vs. U. P. P. E. C.
- Gratitude to Nannie
- Meet the Smith Family by Alexander Wood
- S. J. “Jesse” Chalfant
- A Sweet Little Bungalow
- William Osborne
- Guadalupe Feliz Gorden by Molly Dwyer
- Frank and Nettie Allen
- Bad Day at Big River by Molly Dwyer
- Mansion House Hotel on Lansing Street, 1883-1884
- If These Walls Could Talk
- Hellsgate Dam Demolished
- Cabot Cove Lives Again
- Choose One, or the Other, or Both by Alexander Wood
- Things That Go Bump in the Night by Rob Hawthorn
- Dollard Post of the Grand Army of the Republic
- What is He Doing to Her Hair?
- Death of John Figaro
- He Painted the Town
- Russian Gulch Bridge Dedication
- Living Off the Land on the North Coast by Thad M. Van Bueren
- The Mendocino Fire of 1870 by Molly Dwyer
- Elevated View of Kasten Street in Mendocino, 1908
- Good Clean Fun on the Fourth of July by Anne Cooper
- THEN and NOW: Eliza’s Sunny Corner
- The Summer of 1852 by Mary B. Stinson
- Caspar Mill Pond and Log Chute
- And the Livin’ was Easy by Mary Stinson
- Mendocino Hat Shop Summer Sale
- Kelley House Museum – Summer 2024
- Kelley’s Girl by Katy Tahja and Karen McGrath
- Looking north on Lansing Street, Mendocino, California, 1919-1925
- Beyond Them the Ocean by Kevin Milligan
- Moving Logs on Big River by Chuck Bush
- Moving Logs with the Maru by Chuck Bush
- Mendocino’s First Hotel
- Mendocino’s Ritz Carlson
- Mendocino Celebrates 100th Anniversary
- All Good Things Must End
- Kelley House Arbor
- In the Valley among the Hills by Chuck Bush
- Mendocino’s Master of Miniatures
- The House of Many Gables by Dee Stenback Lemos
- Scandals Brewing by Kaylin Harr, Kelley House Museum summer intern
- Mendocino Model, c. 1890
- The Ghosts Always Tell Their Stories by Rob Hawthorn
- Mudtime in Mendocino by Dorothy Bear
- Johnson-Stauer Building
- The Set of the Sail by Wally Smith
- Lansing Street in Mendocino, 1906 by Karen McGrath
- Big River House
- Coffee to Go!
- On the Skids by Chuck Bush
- The Caspar Choo-Choo by Chuck Bush
- The Old Incline and County Road South of Mendocino, 1929-1933
- Mendocino’s First People
- The Majestic Shenandoah Soars Over Mendocino, 1924
- Friends til the End by Dee Stenback Lemos
- Mendocino Landmark Burns Down
- What Tangled Webs We Weave!
- Mendosa’s Billboard
- The Lyle Gun by Chuck Bush
- I.D.E.S. Drill Team, 1925 – 1933.
- Through Native Eyes
- Heron at Kelley House Pond
- Burned Mendocino Mill on Big River, 1946
- Saltwater in His Veins by C. Michael Berghash
- Dick’s Place
- Picnic on the Albion River, 1889
- Landed Gentry by C. Michael Berghash
- Henry Shaw at the Mendocino Centennial Celebration, 1952
- THEN & NOW: View of Main Street from The Point
- The Folks Who Live on the Hill
- John and Susan Chalfant House, 1863
- The Old Home Place by Carolyn Zeitler
- Online Exhibit – Northern Pomo: Mendocino’s First People
- Layers of Meaning
- Rebuilding History: The Second Heeser Water Tower
- Cotoneaster
- Deep Roots by Carolyn Zeitler
- Sam Slick’s Saloon
- Evergreen Cemetery – February 2025
- New Curator at the Kelley House Museum
- Steamer Prentiss Goes Ashore at Albion
- Born in the USA
- John & Annie Maria Silveria House
- The Wreck of the Schooner Alfred
- Save the Whales! by Shana Hadley
- Crusade to Save God’s Whales
- Fourth of July Parade in Mendocino, 1902
- What’s With All the Water Towers?
- MacCallum House
- Log Rafts
- The Mendocino Whale War by Nicholas Wilson
- James Dean in Mendocino
- Elliott Family
- March 2025 (8)
- February 2025 (8)
- January 2025 (11)
- December 2024 (11)
- November 2024 (6)
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